Reverse Hesitation Stitch is a cousin of the Reverse Scotch Stitch.
Take a look at the diagram above. You will see that the Reverse Tent Stitches are diagramed in a blue color. When this stitch is done in the canvas, the Tent Stitches are stitched in a sparkly thread and the remaining three stitches in the group are done in a matte thread like Pepper Pot Silk.

Take a look at the diagram above. You will see that the Reverse Tent Stitches are diagramed in a blue color. When this stitch is done in the canvas, the Tent Stitches are stitched in a sparkly thread and the remaining three stitches in the group are done in a matte thread like Pepper Pot Silk.

Try this stitch in a combination of Pepper Pot Silk and Entice for the Reverse Tent Stitches.